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Monday, January 3, 2022

Cross and Cutlass: Garrisoned by God's Power!

Cross and Cutlass: Garrisoned by God's Power!:  Excerpt from Cross and Cutlass: Garrisoned by God's Power!

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,  to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. 1 Peter 1:3-5
Peter is one of my favorite Disciples. I can relate to him so much, always putting his foot in his mouth and speaking before thinking, boldly dashing into something without using wisdom. That's me!  I also love his letters in the New Testament. But check out the verses above. SO MUCH packed into just 3 verses! 
LIVING Hope-  the word for Living is  zaō which means to live, breathe, be among the living (not lifeless, not dead)  to enjoy real life, to have true life and worthy of the name, to be active, blessed, endless in the kingdom of God
Incorruptible and undefiled inheritance RESEVED for us! That means that our inheritance, our rewards, can never disappear, decay,  or be stolen. The word "Reserved" in Greek means "to guard". In other words, Jesus is watching over our inheritance, keeping it safe until we get there.
This is what I've been talking about! We need to keep our eyes on the unseen, on our Savior, our inheritance in Heaven. That is where REAL life exists, not here in this world run by Satan. We are to have the type of hope that is real, brings life, and is in the Kingdom of God. This is not the hope of the world, but an eternal, sure hope that we can enjoy right now!
KEPT by the Power of God. Do you know what that little word "Kept" means in the Greek?  It's the word phroureō , which means to keep with a garrison, to guard, protect by a military guard, either to prevent hostile invasion, or to keep the inhabitants of a besieged city from flight.
A garrison? The definition is a body of troops stationed in a fortified place.
That means that there is a body of Warrior Angels surrounding you and your family right now! If you belong to Jesus, you are being guarded "Kept" by God until He sends Jesus for you. Stop and think about that for a moment. This is even more relevant to me since I just finished my next novel, When Angels Battle. We may never see an angel while in our fleshly bodies, but believe me, they are there, and as we wait for Jesus to return, always remember, there's not just one with you, but a garrison keeping you and your loved ones safe!  

This is so important to remember in these trying last days of this age when our enemy seems to be gaining strength by the minute.  God loves and protects His Saints and we have an inheritance in Heaven that's going to blow your mind. We should be the happiest people on earth right now!

2022.  A short note on the new year.  God doesn't go by the Gregorian calendar. Most of you know that the Jewish Calendar and hence, God's calendar, does not match our Gregorian calendar. Every one of our months and every one of our days are named for Pagan gods. This is not from our Lord.  Therefore, even though we are celebrating a new year, the year is the same for the Jewish people. Their year started on Nisan 1, last year, which was March 14, 2021. Their next year doesn't start until Nisan 1, which will be April 2, 2022. 


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