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Saturday, December 21, 2019

CHRISTmas time's a comin'! (Mallary Hope - Christmas Is All About You)

I hope this blog post finds you well and excited about CHRISTmas!

I had a sad moment today when stopping at a Subway for lunch with my mama; we were laughing and having a good time with the young man making our sandwiches and we made comments in a positive and excited way about CHRISTmas coming up soon!

He looked up at me and said how nice it was that we were excited and happy about CHRISTmas; 
no one else he had served was happy about it.

Everyone he talked to the day before was angry about 
the CHRISTmas season.

I gently made the comment 
that perhaps they don't understand the reason for CHRISTmas.

Later while out feeding our animals and doing ranch chores this song came on the radio (KLove station) and I thought 
THIS is what I meant in song form! 
THIS is what some people need to hear!

Now I know quite a few people have lost loved ones this season and I have been there.  
It is hard!  
It can be unbearable!

But without grasping Christ's hand in CHRISTmas and in life, 
EVERYTHING is truly unbearable!

So as I said above, I hope this finds you well, but if it doesn't I hope this song can be a balm to your hurting heart 
and the love and gift of Jesus comforts and mends you!

It's not about the lights and decorations, it's not about the tangible gifts you do or maybe don't receive.  It's all REALLY only about one thing; Jesus Christ coming down from heaven to be the ultimate gift for each and every one of us.

Merry CHRISTmas y'all!
Love, ASC

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