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Friday, December 31, 2021

Cross and Cutlass: Friday Musings: Come out of the Matrix and let the...

Cross and Cutlass: Friday Musings: Come out of the Matrix and let the...:    Click to go to the blog for links to this week's news articles listed at the bottom.

Greetings, Watchful and Waiting Saints of the Most High!
I'm guessing that most of you who follow me here are well aware of the news this past week.  There are days when I just shake my head and wonder how much longer the Lord will leave His Bride in this place. However, I just finished reading Daniel and in the last chapter the angel told Daniel to seal up all the prophecies until the end when many many things would be revealed. For the past 60 years of my life, I've lived in a matrix that wasn't real. I grew up in a country that, although filled with many Godly people and with a Constitution based on Godly principles,  was in fact ruled by freemasons, luciferians, and globalist bankers. (I do not hate my country. In fact, I love it and the freedoms I have enjoyed thus far, and the Godly heritage, so forget the hate mail please.) 
However, the wars I read about in school, at least those starting with the Napoleonic wars, were all orchestrated by rich globalists for their own purposes, agenda, and wealth.  Their ultimate plan was and is to unite the world under their rule, use the ignorant masses as slave labor, and control everyone and every thing. Those at the very top of these groups serve Lucifer, knowing full well who he is. (Yes, I'm telling you that the people who run the world worship Satan willingly and they know who he is and they believe in God) Aliens from space are not aliens but nephilim and fallen angels who have been working with the global elite in the word for centuries, giving them technology that we would not otherwise have had.  Yes, I know I sound crazy. But it's all true. Not only that, it's all Biblical. The Bible speaks of the Nephilim coming back after the flood, the Bible speaks of a one world government that will control the world, the Bible speaks of a time when Satan himself will inhabit the Antichrist and kill so many humans that Jesus said if He didn't return when He did, no flesh would survive. We are about to enter that time. 
Most everything I believed from childhood, I'm finding out isn't true. They are polluting our foods, our water (Fluoride is just one of the things they put in our water that isn't good for us), and the air we breathe. Kennedy wasn't assassinated by some rogue dissident and 9-11 was not orchestrated by Islamic extremists, and our medical professionals are taught to push drugs on us that even make us sicker. There is a cure for cancer and other major diseases, but they don't want you to know about it because how could they make money? There is, in fact, a near cure for Covid, but they have banned the use of Ivermectic and Hydroxychloriquin in our country. Our government could care less about us, in fact quite the opposite. We have lost our republic, but don't mourn. We lost it decades ago. Multi-trillionaire global elites pick our presidents and leaders. (Yes, and Trump too. He's one of them) Why? They want to take down America. Most of our government officials are in bed with the Chinese. They are decimating our military and readying America for an invasion.  It's all about money and power. Oh, and let me not forget that they are orchestrating this global food and supply shortage too. They learned well from their communist predecessors that if you control the food, you control the people. They want to kill you. Yes, they want you dead. In fact, they hope to bring the world's population down to under 500 million. They consider you "useless eaters" and they particularly hate Christians. 

Know why they hate us? Because they can't touch us. They have no power over the blood and the name of Jesus. In fact, it scares them to death. That's why Satan has infiltrated the church, made Christianity about us and our happiness, and has taken out of the Gospel message all the power, authority, and victory. Most Christians walk around shaking in their boots when they have all the weapons they need to march over the enemy forces and defeat them. Know who you are in Christ. Know you are on the winning side and the enemy is terrified of you. Buy a good book on Spiritual warfare and memorize Scripture. It's time for the Bride to take up the sword!
Many of our leaders are satanic pedophiles who not only abuse young children but offer them as sacrifices to Satan. (Hmm. sounds eerily familiar to the ancients who sacrificed their children to Baal and Molech. Same Satan, different time) Look up Adrenochrome and you will be sick to your stomach. Have you seen our skies lately? They are showering us with unhealthy chemicals while hiding a huge planetary system that is extremely close to earth.  They have purposely dumbed down the people by installing an education system that doesn't work and doesn't teach critical thinking, not to mention that they have altered history books to hide the truth. And speaking of truth, 6 corporations own most all of the media, and most every company in America is owned (through the majority of stock holdings) by State Street, Vanguard, and Blackrock. You cannot trust the mainstream media. All your news, movies, music, and tv shows are all propaganda. Yes, even Fox. Be very careful what you believe. Don't even believe me. Do your own research. And I'm not talking about Snopes and other fact checkers. They, too, have been compromised. 

Matthew 24:24 (KJV)
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Now, they are forcing a lethal vaccine on people for a virus that doesn't even kill as many people as the flu each year. Not only is this vaccine lethal, but if you happen to survive, they will be able to track you by using 5G, quite possibly changing your DNA into something non-human. How much of a person's DNA needs to be manipulated for God to consider us not human anymore? When that happens, we can no longer be saved by the blood of Jesus who died on the cross for mankind, not nephilim, not fallen angels, and not machines. Please be careful. 
Revelation 13:16-17 KJV
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 14:9-10 KJV
And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb
If you have the time, here's a very long video about a multitude of topics which I alluded to above. And no, I don't get my information from just one video but from many sources. Then I pray. I always pray.  
Does your pastor preach anything about end times? Does he talk about sin, repentance, and walking in obedience? If not,  beware. Most, and I say, most churches have been compromised. One of the Freemason's jobs was to place their people in positions of power within the church. Does your church believe in the power of the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, demons and spiritual warfare? If not, you better find one that does. 

They've been waiting for the technology. They've been waiting for the people to become sheep. They've been waiting until Christianity declined and immorality increased and men became lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. They've been waiting until the perfect time to make their move. And they are doing it now.  Just peruse the titles on the articles below and you'll see what I mean.
Why am I telling you all this? Because we are in the matrix, and I want you to take the red pill and come out. Once you see the world for what it is (run by Lucifer, who is the great deceiver) then you are free. It's not fun. It's not pleasant. It can even be a little scary. But it's truth. And as Jesus said, the Truth will set you Free. I'm just laying it all out on the line, here, nothing held back.  I don't care if you unsub me, call me names, write me off as a loon. I'm God's loon, and that's fine with me. 
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 KJV
and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
The good news, and yes, there is good news, the best news, in fact, is that Jesus is coming soon!  No earthquake, famine, vaccine, illness, persecution, New World Order, demon, or satan himself can stop the King of Kings and Lord of Lords from coming down with a shout, the trumpet of God and the voice of an archangel to get His Saints. That's you if you trust Jesus for your salvation and follow Him daily.  He is coming! And He will not delay. And as my pastor said last week.

Don't count the days, make the days count!

Get out there and do whatever the Lord leads you to do to help save as many as we can. Time is short. Very, very short! 

But always remember, you are exceedingly precious to Jesus. He assigns angels to watch over you and they don't sleep or take breaks. You are a child of the Most High, and the Lord won't allow you to slip or stumble. He is your high tower, your refuge and your strength.  

With that said, here's just some of the news.

Top Three Prophetic News Headlines

The V and V
This is really a video you need to listen to. It's not very long but it explains what's in the vaccine and what are their plans. These are the doctors from La Quinta
 CDC announced that 15,000 Americans will die each week by Christmas! 
New York Bill A416 to be voted on, on January 5th, calls for indefinite detention of the unvaccinated at Governor's discretion. And no, I'm not kidding. You can look up the bill yourself.
Trumps vaccine pimping rhetoric proves both parties are prostitutes to Pharma and the banks
Bombshell new study finds vaccines are virtually useless against Omicron At the same time, a bombshell new study out of Columbia University — covered by the NY Post — finds that the Omicron strain is almost entirely resistant to covid vaccines. This means, in effect, that covid vaccines are now utterly useless and offer no protection whatsoever. Yet they have destroyed the immune systems of those who took the vaccines, leaving them vulnerable to all other infections that might coming along (including the common flu).
 Latest VAERS data estimates nearly 400,000 people have died from the vaccine in the USA  
Skynet Microchip breakthrough announced that will enslave humanity 
The images coming out of Europe tell an alarming and frightening story
Kroger to end paid Covid-19 leave for the unvaccinated 
Navy to start ejecting unvaccinated sailors 
326 Healthy Athlete cardiac arrests, 183 Dead
Omniron is giving them an excuse to mandate boosters 
Chicago requires VAX proof at restaurants and bars. Boston soon to follow. Israel wants 4th shot
The Discrimination is Terrible. Unvaccinated attempt to flee Germany over mandates. Austrians face huge fines each month if they don't get the shot. In Italy unvaccinated must take a test every 48 hours if they want to live free.  5 minute video
Fauci warns of winter of death, Ontario limits indoor gatherings to 10, and Israel bans travel to the US 
Emergency update: Biden's promised winter of death is coming true and here are the states with the highest death rates 
Canada's iron-fisted medical tyranny 
Boris Johnson: Getting Covid booster follows teaching of Jesus  
Sweden begins implanted microchip covid vaccine passport
US NAVY pauses deployment of warship due to Covid outbreak among 100% vaccinated crew 
Must see 20 minute video about the REAL BILL GATES 
Study: At least 400,000 people have died in the US from the Jab 
13 million Chinese on new lockdown in city of Xi'an 
Alex Jones slams Trump on Vaccine comments. Now, I'm not a huge fan of Jones, but he's right on this one 
Fauci wants vaccines to be required for domestic air travel
California nurses report overwhelming amount of heart attacks and clotting in vaccinated patients 
Police arrest five people in NYC for ordering food from Burger King without wearing masks or being vaccinated 
NYC announces door to door vaccination teams who will come to your door and offer you $100 to get vaccinated 
Nurses: Overwhelming amount of blood clots and heart attacks occurring in the fully vaccinated
New Studies show that Covid Vaccines damage your immune system permanently 
The unvaxxed may soon be shipped to Quarantine camps

A possible scenario that will place Hillary Clinton as president. 
Police tyranny has returned to Germany 
Gotta see this short video of a robot. Freaky 
Massive housing market upheaval occurring NOW
How Obama gave Hillary the gift of controlling populations through food 
Evidence that a Medical Mafia is running America 
The coming Subjugation and Extermination of America Citizens was rehearsed by Obama in 2015-2016
Signs in the sky
NASA hires Catholic priest to help prepare people for encounter with aliens
Great Worker shortage is causing basic services to break down across America

Baby Baphomet takes his place next to Nativity and Menorah in the Capitol Rotunda
War is Imminent
Russia makes several moves toward War
China has mind control weapons and isn't afraid to use them 
Iran fires 16 Ballistic missiles able to hit Israel in show of force 
Putin orders fresh round of war games - deploying anti Aircraft missiles
Earth Groaning
With only weeks until 2022, the Ring of Fire is roaring to life 
US reported the most hurricane level gusts in a single day 
7.3 Quake rocks Indonesia
A Philadelphia school district is allowing students to go non-binary without parental permission 
Swiss to allow simple legal gender transition  
Beware: TikTok is enticing kids into having trans surgeries and taking hormones
Islamic extremists behead pastor and force wife to carry his remains 
James 5:7-8 KJV
Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.

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