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Friday, December 17, 2021

Cross and Cutlass: Friday Musings: The Midnight Hour

Cross and Cutlass: Friday Musings: The Midnight Hour: Greetings, Precious Wise Virgins of Christ,

I'm reminded of the parable of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25. 

And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him!

Of course we know that half of these people who once were excited about the Lord's return had somehow slipped away from Him and weren't ready, while the other half, though they were asleep, rose up to meet him. It's interesting that all 10 had fallen asleep. All 10 got tired of watching and probably figured He wasn't coming for awhile. There's no sin in that. The problem comes when some go back into the world and stop serving the Lord. I find it very telling, as well, that the Lord's cry came at midnight, at the last possible second of the day. I don't know about you, but I feel as though we are approaching that midnight hour very quickly. With all that's happening in the world, I don't see how the Lord could wait much longer.  

I know many "dates" have passed, and it's very easy to get frustrated. It's hard to watch the evil in the world grow stronger each day, to see people, friends, and family suffer under authoritarian restrictions, struggle to put food on the table, to keep jobs without being forced to have poison injected into them. It's hard to watch little children forced to breathe their own CO2 all day and all the other diseases associated with constant mask wearing, not to mention that now in many places they are being forcefully injected. It's hard to watch the injustice, the hatred of police, the lawlessness, the thousands of illegals crossing the border, and all the lies the media tells us. It's hard to see the elite and globalists gloating in their power, issuing mandates they don't intend to keep themselves, all the while telling us they actually care. It's even harder to hear about senseless deaths from a pandemic that is easily cured with things like ivermectin and hydroxchloriquin.  It's worse to watch the hospitals full of the sick vaccinated while they blame all of it on the unvaccinated. It's maddening to watch the media proclaim the same false talking points and propaganda to deceive the world's population. 
For me, personally, it's beyond frustrating and disheartening to see so many churches in apostasy, preaching false doctrines or promoting anti-Biblical ideas. Equally disturbing is the number of believers who still believe there will be a great worldwide revival and Trump will come back to save everyone. Worse are those Christians who feel the need to criticize and be rude to their brothers and sisters online without provocation, being a terrible witness to the world. Those of us who are awake to what's going on are a very small remnant who walk a very narrow path. It seems that path grows even narrower by the day!  Jesus never said it would be easy. When He began to speak the truth in harsher terms, many many of the people who followed Him left. There's a price to pay for carrying your cross and following Him to the end. But it's well worth the cost!

Have you watched regular TV shows these days? I'm astounded at the immorality, the bedroom scenes with unmarried people, the gays, trans, and lesbians promoted on every show. And don't get me started on the pure pornography and satan worship in music videos. Back when I was a kid, TV shows were pure and clean, kids respected parents, and a kiss on the lips was considered risque. 

The truth of the matter is, the world is run by Satan, and over the past several hundred years, his power has only grown. In the past, I've listed on this blog videos that offer proof that the Illuminati exist, who they are, how they've been manipulating world events for centuries, including both world wars, and how at the very top, they worship Lucifer. Their writings and documents more than prove this. They've been waiting for the opportunity to create a Global government with them in charge, where they will use a depleted population as slaves and serfs. These global bankers are some of the wealthiest people on earth and through them and the corporations they own, they have been running things for quite some time. Now, with this pandemic, they have taken the opportunity to finally put their final plans in play. This will or IS the Beast system, the final world government during the Tribulation. Call me a liar. Call me a conspiracy theorist. I don't care. I've seen enough evidentiary proof to know this is the truth. We are in the last minutes of the last days.  Do we have weeks, months, or years? At the rate things are going, it is my opinion we don't have years. 

I know this all sounds rather gloomy, but one sure thing to remember is that the Lord will rescue His Bride Before the Tribulation. And since we see the Tribulation approaching so fast, that has to be soon. In the meantime, be a wise virgin. Keep filled with the Holy Spirit! What does that mean? It means to stay in fellowship with Jesus, walk with Him, talk with Him. Pray always and meditate on His Word. He promises to protect His Bride, and He will. Memorize His promises and recite them often when the enemy comes in with doubt. We are in the final battle and things are going to get tough. Be a warrior for the Lord, and remember when you are weak, He is Strong!

 Now for the news. 
Have you heard about Facebook's Metaverse? It's a new and upcoming digital universe that people can connect into using various goggles and hand instruments and instantly find themselves in a world that looks much like this one but is not real. It's digital. Video games are already doing this, but this is an entire step beyond. I foresee that in the near future many people will live in this digital world where they can recreate themselves and give themselves far more interesting lives. They also have plans for real commerce in this world. A friend of mine and follower of this blog recently sent me a video sermon of how Metaverse is found in the Bible, and particularly in Revelation. I found the information FASCINATING and mind-boggling.  it's an hour long but worth your time if you're interested. Either way, stay away from Metaverse!   
A very important interview with Dr. Malone, the mRNA inventor in which he discusses masks, lockdowns, the vaccine and variants and the global plan to control the world. 
If you aren't familiar with Ted and Austin Broer, you're missing out. These guys run a website called Healthmasters, Ted is a doctor. They also write articles and do daily podcasts about what's going on in the world. Much of what I've learned from them will shock you, however I thought this particular podcast would be a good way to introduce them to you. Just scroll down and click the Podcast play button. There's a brief outline before of what is discussed/  
Michael Yeadon an ex-Pfizer Scientist sent this information out last week. It's a quick list of a timetable to tyranny and the various phases. We are in Phase 5. I encourage you to check it out. I've heard this man before and he seems reasonable.  
Germany has fallen: 3 minute must see video
Finally, I want you all to know, I do my best to only use reliable sources for these articles and for my commentary. I would never want to post false information that would mislead anyone. I constantly ask the Lord to guide me. If something is my opinion alone, I will tell you. However, its possible I can be wrong sometimes. If you see something like that, please don't hesitate to contact me privately with proof of my error. I've had some of you do that in the past and I appreciate it, particularly if you live in the areas that I've posted about. However, I probably would not accept proof that comes from mainstream or social media. 
The V and V
 Dr. Fauci's chilling statement: “I would prefer, and we all would prefer that people would be voluntarily getting vaccinated, but if they’re not gonna do that, sometimes you’ve got to do things that are unpopular, but that clearly supersede individual choices…”
There are TWO more statues at the UN headquarters in New York that have links to the book of Revelation ( many believe the UN will be the headquarters of the NWO)


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