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Friday, October 15, 2021

Cross and Cutlass: Friday Musings: The Clock Strikes Midnight!

Cross and Cutlass: Friday Musings: The Clock Strikes Midnight!:
Dear Prized Remnant of the King of Kings,
I say remnant because there truly aren't many believers who are praying and watching for the Lord's return. In fact, there aren't many believers who even know the lateness of the hour or that we are even living in the last days!  It amazes me, but then again, there aren't many believers who have even read the whole Bible or who even read it regularly. Which is a sign of the end times! Add to that all the false doctrines, cults, and dangerous theologies and no wonder Jesus said in Luke 18:8
Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

So, if we are in the last days, and I mean very last days, what would we expect to see? According to the Word of God, we would expect to see the following conditions occur with increasing frequency and strength.

Wars and Rumors of Wars 
Racial wars (Kingdom against Kingdom)
Signs in the Sky  
Christian Persecution
Rise of One World Government
Depraved character of man
Massive Global Deception

Each one of these has both increased in frequency and strength. I don't think anyone can deny that. I mentioned these signs and more in my post What in the World is going on? with the intent you could use it as a witnessing tool. But then the enemy messed with my website domain name, but it's still there if you want to use it.

 We are seeing more information coming out (with proof from the Patents themselves) that this vaccine contains electronic elements which they plan to use to track you and give you a "score" of obedience, much like the Chinese social credit score. In some of the articles below, you can see that they've been planning this for a long long time. 

Meanwhile people who haven't taken the vaccine are being labeled selfish and evil and hateful, among other more colorful names by our own President and many others in the media. They are saying we are spreading the virus to kids and crowding hospitals, taking beds away from other patients, when in truth, most of the covid patients in hospitals are vaccinated. But of course they can't tell you that. Thank God we still have some truthful media out there, but you have to look for it. 
We are seeing more and more mandates and more and more punishments for not taking the vaccine. Which is what we would expect if this is the NWO rising. 
Speaking of NWO, we are starting to see talk of  Global taxes and Equal Income distribution, which is what it will be like in the Tribulation. Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum says "You will own nothing and be happy."  They will give everyone an income and track you everywhere you go and everything you buy or sell.  Interesting that they are so open about it and discussing it now in meetings.

What about all the people quitting their jobs because they won't take the vaccine? Isn't that a good sign that people are waking up and taking a stand. I say yes!!  But it also plays right into their plans to take over. The more people on government welfare, the more they can control you. Plus, they want the economy to collapse. They want a worldwide "Great Reset". Believe me. they've thought of everything.
Parents who oppose Critical Race Theory, False History, and Perversions being taught to their children are being labeled Domestic Terrorists by school boards. Huh? We pay their salaries!

Another way to control people is through food. We Americans have never lacked for food. Even the poorest of us have access to food. But the powers that be are disrupting supply chains. Ships, loaded with goods, are being kept off our coasts, unable to come into port. Farmers are paid to destroy crops. And now there is a shortage of energy which is causing blackouts across the globe. Think it can't happen here? 

Regardless of all of this, I'm not afraid. Why? Because I know all these things are supposed to happen. All these things are prophesied in the Bible. None of this has caught the God of the Universe off guard, and long before you were even born, He made plans and provisions to care for you and your family. I'm not only NOT afraid, I'm encouraged by all this horrible news. Why? Because I know that when I see these things happening, Jesus told me to Look Up! For He is coming to get me! (Luke 21:36)

The Church, the Bride, does not suffer the wrath of God. Yes, we have suffered persecution throughout the ages. Yes, some of us have been imprisoned, martyred, tortured, abused throughout history. But the Church has never and will never suffer the wrath of God because Jesus already paid the price for our judgement.  We are no longer condemned.
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.  Romans 8:1

Do you walk after the Spirit? Then you are not condemned. The 7 year Tribulation is the Wrath of God poured out on an unrepentant world. We will not be here. Therefore, since we see all the prophecies being fulfilled that lead to that horrible time, we know with certainty that we will soon be rescued. In the meantime, we are in the ARK, protected by God Himself. So do not fear. In fact, with what little time you have left, I encourage you to allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to warn as many people as you can! Time is very very short.

To View Links to All the Articles for This Week's End Time News, Click HERE


Here's the latest on the La Palma volcano. If you want to subscribe to these updates, send an email to and ask him to add you to the list of volcano and earthquake updates.

La Palma Watchers,

7:00 p.m.

Today is the 26th day of the La Palma eruption. The situation has again worsened over the past 24 hours. Today, the vog (volcanic fog) was very heavy. This began yesterday and continues today, causing low visibility and irritation to eyes and skin. Sulfur dioxide emissions remain very high at 17,000 tons per day, contributing to the vog.

The ash plume continues to reach heights of 10,000 ft. A commercial flight from a nearby island experienced an in-flight emergency today when volcanic particulates began affecting both engines and the plane was forced to turn back. The plane landed safely on a neighboring island with emergency fire crews standing by. Flying in or out of La Palma has become risky with the airport shutting down again and again due to ash fall or low visibility issues.

At 2:15 p.m. today (La Palma time), another collapse occurred inside the main volcanic cone that caused a surge in lava flow through the northwestern breach of the crater. More lava is being pushed out of the underground lava tubes into down slope areas as well. A new arm of lava is expected to create a new entry into the ocean soon.

Lava has reached to within 500 meters of the center of La Laguna today. Lava destroyed a soccer field and a large supermarket in La Laguna today. More evacuations have been ordered by officials in the most threatened eastern part of the city.

According to the latest figures, 1,408 buildings have been destroyed so far, and this number continues to rise.

There was again a notable uptick in seismic activity today, with more quakes occurring, reaching a high of M4.2, and increasing ground inflation near the main vent, suggesting more magma is coming up into the system. We may see the opening of more new vents.

Parts of the island are shaking almost continuously now, like a low-level vibration. Landslides are occurring as a result of all the seismic activity. This is normal during large quake events or continuous ground tremors. Since Day 1 of the eruption, the situation has seen a worsening trend, with increasing danger and destruction.

As of this moment, there is no threat to any other part of the Pacific, but the situation could change quickly, so stay ALERT!

In the beginning of the early eruption phase, I said that I was expecting something larger in terms of seismic activity and severity of eruption, so don't think that because La Palma has taken a back seat in news media coverage that it is all over - because it isn't!

Be watchful about rumors and false proclamations. No one can predict with 100% accuracy what this eruption will do. So, we continue to watch.

Worrying or getting worked up and stressed out about what might happen (in any emergency) does no good whatsoever, so don't get pulled into that mind trap. Don't fret - instead, turn your perceived fears into constructive action - prepare! Don't worry - instead, read God's word and pray!

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