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Friday, October 29, 2021

Cross and Cutlass: Friday Musings: Weary but Still Standing!

Cross and Cutlass: Friday Musings: Weary but Still Standing!:   Dear Highly-Valued Children of the King of Kings,
I am back in Communist California!  Thank you to all of you who prayed for my trip and my Mom. She is doing okay. While I was there, she was able to take a few steps (with help). Progress has been very slow, but I'm glad I was there to help my sister who is solely managing her care 24-7. It was also good to see my brother and his family, who flew up from Florida to visit.  

Yet, even in my absence, the world continues to spiral downward toward the start of the Tribulation. We are seeing protests against the vaccine mandates spark up here and there. Though it is encouraging to see some people taking a stand and others willing to lose their jobs rather than take the jab, I'm not as optimistic as some about where this is all heading. Why? Because, based on all the signs I see around us, AND the Word of God, things will only get worse from now on until Jesus returns to set up His Kingdom on earth. (Of course, the wise virgins will be rescued 7 years before that great day)

I feel like Australia is the testing ground for the New World Order, to see what people will tolerate and what they won't. Every week, we see new restrictions put on the poor people who live there (only in certain places, I hear)  In the meantime, the boosters have arrived!  And there is talk of changing the definition of "fully vaccinated" to include any boosters required. In addition, the FDA has approved the poison shot for kids 5-11, which includes my four grandchildren. If I didn't have complete trust in the Lord for them, I'd be curled up in a ball in the corner. Meanwhile, hospitals are full of vaccine-injured patients, but you won't hear that from the MSM, as restrictions on the unvaccinated continue to increase. Including, our own president inferring that the unvaccinated are murderers. Honestly, I'm beginning to feel a little like a Jew in NAZI Germany must have felt. 

Amazon has a new hand-scanning system for purchasing goods. Hmm, where have I heard that before?  And Technology continues to be released that demonstrates the melding of humans and electronics that will turn us into cyborgs, able to be tracked, manipulated, and controlled by the powers that be. All in the guise of enhancing our health, giving us super powers, and prolonging our lives. I believe the Mark of the Beast will promise eternal life to those who take it, mark my words. We are seeing this already. 

Food shortages are coming, along with shortages of energy, which could portend a very cold and hungry winter. That is, if you survive the new viruses they will release, including the flu, which will probably kill off many of the vaccinated. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the shot destroys one's immune system against any other virus. 

Then we have La Palma...which is NOT giving up its continual eruptions and is giving those watching quite a scare. Volcanoes, earthquakes, and storms continue to plague our planet, and yet no one seems to notice.

Persecution of Christians, along with apostasy and immorality continue to increase everywhere. Some of the articles below will shock you. It blows my mind how anyone could believe America will be blessed by a great revival and a massive turn to God when most of our population spits in His face with all sorts of sexual perversions, violence, foul language, and murder. Yes, murder.. as 3000 innocent babies are butchered every day in this country. Oh, sure, God will just overlook all that and not expect any repentance for any of our sins. Drives me nuts!

I know many of you are weary, tired of watching for the Lord's return, disheartened by the evil you see around you, discouraged, in despair for the many lost, including family members. I'm with you! It's not always easy for me to come on here and encourage you all when I'm feeling down myself. But the Lord reminds me that every day we pass here is one less day we will have to. HE IS COMING!  There is no denying that fact. The signs are only increasing day by day and week by week. I sense that the Lord is waiting for a few more of His Children to come into the kingdom... just a few more who He knows will turn to Him with just a little prompting. Yes, there are some whom He knows will not turn to Him unless they go through Tribulation, but there are a few He knows will come in before. He's waiting, because He loves them so much, and He doesn't want to leave any behind. Just think if He is waiting for one of your loved ones!  Doesn't that make it a bit easier to wait with Him? And For Him?  It will be the perfect time!  And we know that it is close! 

I encourage you to not lose heart. Don't quit watching. Don't start making plans for years to come. Just stay the course, do as the Lord commands every day. Love Him and Follow Him with all your heart, and you will soon see His face! 
 The V and V
Must see video (short) Children in middle school being secretly vaccinated by military escort. I can't verify if this is true, but the video speaks for itself 
Romania tightens Covid-19 Restrictions. Unvaccinated restricted from MOST public places.  
Interesting article: Release of MicroNanoSwarms or Slaughterbots. Includes a prayer of protection. 

Turkey looks to unite the Muslim World under One Mahdi   (This is their coming messiah who will in actuality be the antichrist) 
Good Article to share with others: The stage is set for the End Times
Signs in the Sky

Earth Groaning

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